

What is Exit Tax and how is it imposed?

When moving your home to a different country, there are many factors to be considered. These considerations may pertain to …

Assessment of foreign investment in property in Andorra in 2023

En 2023 el volumen de inversión extranjera inmobiliaria aumentó, pero se frenaron las peticiones.La inversión en inmuebles por parte de …

What are the benefits of outsourcing your company’s taxation?

If one wishes to devote all of one’s time to the operation of a business, the best strategy is to …

The digital euro: how will it affect us and what will be the result?          

The European Central Bank is engaged upon the development of a common digital currency for use within the eurozone. The …

The advantages of retiring in Andorra – a complete guide

In addition to its appeal as a location for investors seeking to establish businesses, Andorra is a tranquil and advantageous …

New method for declaring the IGI in Andorra

The Government of Andorra has presented ‘Declarapp’, a new application designed to facilitate the declaration of IGI (General Indirect Tax) …

An Association Agreement between Andorra and the European Union

Andorra is a microstate in Europe. It is neither part of Spain nor part of France, although it shares cultural …

New law affecting the tax on foreign investment in real estate

If you are interested in investment opportunities in Andorra, or have already taken the first steps, you are probably aware …

Create a company in Andorra and keep living in the UK: Is that legal?

This question could apply to the UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, or any other European country where the level of corporate …

How does one implement an EoR in one’s business strategy?  

When a company wants to make the leap to the international level, it can either establish itself in the host …

What is an Employer of Record and how can these help you?      

When a company wants to expand beyond its borders, it faces the challenge of managing employees in different countries. This …

How has the opening of Andorra-La Seu d’Urgell Airport affected the country?

Last Update: 5/01/24Until recently, the only way to reach the Principality was by road. If you wanted to get there …