


New method for declaring the IGI in Andorra

The Government of Andorra has presented ‘Declarapp’, a new application designed to facilitate the declaration of IGI (General Indirect Tax) on purchases made outside Andorran territory (whether or not they have benefited from tax-free status), as well on purchases made in online shops and collected by the Spanish Post Office and the Post Office. This change reflects the recent legislative changes in the field of taxation. The new tool represents another advance in the digitalisation of public administration in Andorra. …

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Create a company in Andorra and keep living in the UK: Is that legal?

This question could apply to the UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, or any other European country where the level of corporate and personal tax is much higher than that of our Principality. Without a doubt, this is one of the questions most frequently posed by businesspeople and entrepreneurs who are intrigued by Andorra’s attractive tax policy but who want to remain in their customary place of residence. Table of contents: Creating a company in Andorra and living abroad is perfectly legalShould …

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Impuestos Andorra 2º Trimestre

2020 Andorra Tax Calendar – 2nd quarter

Below we detail the most important events on the Andorra taxpayer’s calendar for the second quarter of 2020, as well as the forms that should be submitted in each case, if required. APRIL 2020 Personal income tax (IRPF) The settlement and payment period begins for income tax for the previous financial year. The filing period ends on 30 September. (Forms 300/300L/300C). The settlement and payment period begins for withholdings and payments on account for work income not subject to the CASS …

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Impuestos Andorra 2º Trimestre

Taxes in Andorra

The evolution of Andorra’s activities and economic structure has meant that the tax system has had to develop in parallel. The most significant change has been the shift from a tax system based almost entirely on indirect fees to the implementation of direct taxes. The advantage? This direct taxation is homologous with other countries around the world. Which entities collect tax in Andorra? In Andorra, taxes are collected through the comús (local councils) and the government. The comús are responsible …

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Impuestos Andorra 2º Trimestre

2020 Andorra Tax Calendar

Below we detail the most important events on the Andorra taxpayer’s calendar for the first quarter of 2020, as well as the forms that should be submitted in each case, if required. JANUARY 2020 Preparation of annual accounts The period for preparing and formalising annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2019 begins. The filing period ends on 30 June. Personal income tax (IRPF) The period in which financial or insurance entities established in Andorra must file the external …

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Andorra is no longer a tax haven, but it still retains its investment appeal

The days when Andorra featured on the EU list of tax havens are long gone. The legal tax reforms introduced in Andorra and the creation of a tax system that is equivalent to the European one have helped to remove the country from the black list. Nevertheless, our country is still a highly attractive option for foreign investment. Simple foreign investment If a company wishes to base itself in Andorra, it can be very easy to accomplish. Although companies must …

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Te ayudamos a crear una sociedad en Andorra

How to create a company in Andorra

The benefits of Andorra’s tax system are obvious when compared to the vast majority of European countries, which makes it an incredibly attractive location for the creation of companies and corporations. In addition, Andorra boasts a very high level of personal safety (it has one of the lowest national crime rates worldwide), a superb health and education system, and a per capita income that is among the highest in the world. Andorra is the perfect country for investment and business, …

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IGI in Andorra. What is it?

The evolution of the Andorran tax system has led to the creation of taxation categories that operate in a similar manner to those in force in European countries, albeit with lower burdens. This is the case with IGI (a Catalan initialism for General Indirect Tax) which is equivalent to IVA in Spain or TVA in France. Its introduction enabled the removal of a significant portion of the indirect taxation categories that had hitherto existed and which taxed our nation’s consumption. …

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